Which one of these solutions you choose for your problem?

6 Commonly Asked Questions on Dieting, Food Shopping, and Weight Loss

-As I've gotten older, I've gained weight. Why is this happening?
When you are younger, you have a higher metabolism and are more active. As we get older and take on more responsibilities, such as jobs and children, leisure activities become less of a priority. Work outs and healthy cooking falls to the wayside. Add an increasingly slower metabolism and what do you have? Weight gain

-How do I lose it?
In the simplest terms: Exercise, clean diet, and quality sleep....

-Can you elaborate more on clean diet?
Clean diet is just a term that I have used for years that means high quality and nutrient dense foods. People call me all the time and ask what they should be eating. If you need to ask, it's probably not good. If what you are eating was made in a factory, you probably do not want to eat it.

-What diet are you following?
I do not diet. I eat a diet full of nutrient dense foods and eating "bad" foods (ie. cake, ice cream, and cookies) in moderation. Some examples of nutrient dense foods are kale, spinach, broccoli sprouts, avocados, all berries, almonds, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, cacao, raw honey, coconut oil, olive oil, grass-fed beef, free range poultry, salmon, tuna, beans, yerba mate, and green and white teas.

-I can't afford to buy everything organic, what should I do?
If you can't afford a totally organic diet, then only buy the "dirty dozen" organic. These 12 fruits and vegetables are found to be covered with the most pesticide residues and grown with chemical fertilizers. Also to save money, buy the "clean 15" conventionally. The produce on this list are found to have minimal pesticides on them whether they are grown conventionally or organically. As a rule of thumb, if the fruit or vegetable has a thick skin on it that is not eaten, it is safe to buy conventionally.
-What diet do you recommend?

I do not recommend diets for most people. Once you are on a diet, you start to get cravings because you are depriving yourself of something. That something is usually a food that you like (and possibly love). If I had to pick one, it would be the slow carb diet. I have had amazing results with it. I lost close to 20 pounds in almost 3 weeks. My flexibility, endurance, and overall athletic performance improved tremendously.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Rawle_Shewprashad

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